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Created 17-Apr-14
216 photos

Nature, wildlife, birds, Landscapes
Flora at Jamestown Windmill site   copyright ronaldzinconephotographySunflower, Jamestown Windmill site   copyright ronaldzinconephotographyflora closeup, Ashville, RI copyright ronaldzinconephotographyIcicle, URI campuscopyright ronaldzinconephotographyCommon yellowthroat, Beach Pond, Exeter, RI copyright ronaldzinconephotographyCommon yellowthroat, Beach Pond, Exeter, RI copyright ronaldzinconephotographyCommon Yellowthroat, Beach Pond, Exeter, RI copyright ronaldzinconephotographyCommon Yellowthroat, Beach Pond, Exeter, RI copyright ronaldzinconephotographyCommon Yellowthroat, Beach Pond, Exeter, RI copyright ronaldzinconephotographyCommon Yellowthroat, Beach Pond, Exeter, RI copyright ronaldzinconephotographyCommon Yellowthroat, Beach Pond, Exeter, RI copyright ronaldzinconephotographyCommon Yellowthroat, Beach Pond, Exeter, RI copyright ronaldzinconephotographyCommon Yellowthroat, Beach Pond, Exeter, RI copyright ronaldzinconephotographyFallen, Harrisville, RI copyright ronaldzinconephotographyBee on flora, Gilbert Stuart sitecopyright ronaldzinconephotographyFlora at the Gilbert Stuart site copyright ronaldzinconephotographyfoliage no1 copyright ronaldzinconephotographyAruba cactus copyright ronaldzinconephotographyflora no1, Aruba copyright ronaldzinconephotographyFallen leaf, Ogunquit, ME copyright ronaldzinconephotography

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:35mm, ASSNE, Artists, Astronomical Society of Southern New England, Avery, Beavertail, Boston Museum of Science, C.P.C., CPC, Canon, Certified Photographic Consultant, Connecticut, ECONN, EOS, England, Exchange, Guild, Island, Jamestown, Judith, Learning Connection, Leonid, Massachusetts, Museum of Science, NASA, NatGeo, National Geographic, National Geographic Society, National Weather Service, New, PPA, Point, Point, Professional Photographers of America, Rhode, Ronald Zincone Photography, SLR, SkyWarn, The Cloud Appreciation Society, The Planetary Report, adult education, art, artist, artwork, astro, astroimaging, astronomical, astronomical photography, astronomy, astronomy, astrophotography, aurora, award winning, better your photography, binoculars, borealis, camera, canon, celestial, celestial photography, class, classes, classroom, comets, cosmos, course, courses, cyclones, dawn, digital, dusk, eclipse, educate, education, educational, enrichment, enrichment courses, eye-piece projection, field trip, field trips, film, google, hands-on, high-resolution, high-resolution imaging, high-resolution photography, hurricane, hurricanes, image, imaging, instructing, instruction, instructor, lapse, learn, learnconnect, learning, lens, lenses, leonid, leonids, lesson, lessons, lifelong learning, lighthouse, lightning, lights, low light photography, low-light, low-light photography, lunar, magic hour, meteor, meteor shower, meteorities, meteors, moon, night-sky photography, nightsky, northern, one-on-one, optical, optics, photo, photographer, photographic, photography, piggyback, planets, prime focus, private instruction, private session, ronaldzinconephotography, ronaldzinconephotography,, science, science, scientific, seminar, seminars, severe, severe weather, skywarn, solar, solar system, southern new england, space, space travel, spotter, spyglass, star trails, stars, storm, sun, sunrise, sunset, teach, teacher, teaching, telescope, telescopic, thunderstorms, time, traveling photographer, traveling teacher, tropical, tropical storms, tropics, tutor, tutoring, twilight, weather, webcam, workshop, workshops