Astronomy Clubs

November 04, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

Hello friends!

I attended my local astronomy club -- (Skyscrapers Inc.) -- last evening and I would just like to say what a joy it is to be a member!

I have been active in astronomy clubs since the late 1990's.  I am so glad I decided to take the plunge because being a member of an astronomy club is truly life fulfilling.  Let's face it -- amateur astronomy is the best hobby, pastime or profession there is.  Ok, photography is a close second IMHO.  I have met so many wonderful people in the astronomy community who are willing to share their knowledge, passions and humor.

Astronomy clubs, much like photography clubs, offer you the chance to socialize, make friends, share knowledge and your passion with other colleagues and take part in fun events.  Clubs are well known for presenting programs with guest speakers (many of whom are top names in the field), set up fun events like holiday parties, pot luck events and star parties.

Astronomy clubs are both formal and informal.  Every club is different.  Something else wonderful about an astronomy club is that there is always time put aside for celestial viewing among fellow members, if the skies are clear.  Clubs also present public viewing nights with many clubs having their own club telescopes in which the public can view through.  Annual star parties are also very popular among the members and the public.  These events take place during the warmer months and is much like camping under the stars at specific sites that are far from light pollution.  

Joining an astronomy club is a great way to learn more about the night sky, science, astronomical and photographic equipment, your fellow members, getting closer to nature and what I like best -- to share your passion of the night sky with other human beings!  What are you waiting for?


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