Teaching Photography

January 12, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

Hello friends!

I would like to talk about my passion of teaching photography!

It is no surprise that my three obsessions...oops, I mean passions....in life are astronomy, extreme weather and photography.  Let's add another one - teaching photography!  Back in 2006, I started on a whole new and exciting journey by opening a door that led me to teaching photography in the lifelong learning sector.

Here it is 12 years later and I am currently an independent contractor providing instruction in photography, astronomy and extreme weather at 10 different educational institutions.  Overall, I have taught at over 15 institutions.  I love teaching photography because -- well, I have a passion for photography and being in front of a classroom full of students is challenging, exciting and most rewarding.

There is nothing like educating a student of photography.  Making a difference in a student's life and even the world.  It is exciting and exhilarating to be an expert in a subject and pass along that information to fellow students who have caught the photography bug.  Teaching in "real time" allows me to educate my students "live" with verbal instructions and answers as well as "hands-on" learning which is most vital in the visual arts.

I also enjoy learning new things from my students as we share information.  To be able to defuse the confusion and fear in a student's mind as is often the case in today's digital age is so rewarding.  To learn more about me and what I teach and how I have become southern New England's #1 traveling teacher of photography, astronomy and extreme weather, go to http://www.ronaldzinconephotography.com


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