Looking forward to a New Year 2019!

December 21, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

Here we are in the major holiday season and rounding the corner to head into the New Year 2019!

I, for one, am looking forward to a better New Year in 2019.  At this time of the year, I tend to "hibernate" due to the cold temperatures, snow and ice.  As passionate, (ok obsessed) as I am for photography, astronomy and extreme weather, only thing keeps me away from my passions -- the cold! 

As we get into March and especially April, the weather improves and I come out of my cocoon.  The early spring, summer and early fall seasons are my "prime time" for outdoor photography, astronomy (astrophotography) and extreme weather.  I will also be teaching outdoor workshops, venturing on my own travel and photo shoots and playing and using all my new astro and photo toys purchased at Christmas 2018 and early 2019.

I also continue to conduct private sessions in photography with students as well as teaching in the Lifelong Learning sector throughout southern New England.  I will be venturing on many travel destinations throughout New England this coming year photographing new places and building my portfolio and reputation.  You will never know where I might pop up -- so keep an eye out for "southern New England's #1 traveling teacher of photography"!

Happy Holidays!



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